About Us
About Uzambezi
Uzambezi Arts are the UK based top Southern African multie-disciplinary arts ensemble that specialise in Songs, dances, drumming, story-telling, education and outreach work and, other forms of community arts activities in the UK, across the EU and recently in North America.
Some of the members CVs include performances on Blue Peter, the Generation Games, Later with Jools Holland, the Andrew Marr show and a host of other TV and radio programs. Venue appearances include places such as the Royal Festival Hall in London, Liverpool Phil and again the List is endless.
Some of the members have even commissioned to write songs for Her Majesty s Golden Jubilee, the late global icon Nelson Mandela.

Key and Core at the heart of their work, U Zambezi Arts believe in the power of music/art and sports to address various topical social issues and find common ground. Music/Art becomes a vehicle for tackling various social issues in a metaphorical or soft way.
They also say the do the arts for fun and for themselves to keep together.

Brief History
The group’s membership is drawn from arts consultants, , choreographers, singer-song writers, composers, dancers. They have been in the industry more than 20 years with their previous successful groups such as Black Umfolosi, Black Spear, White Umfolosi and many. Many of group members have toured extensively in many countries around the world thereby accummulating a wealth of experience in cross- cultural issues including human rights awareness.